Monday, January 17, 2011

"I Was Drunk and Angry...and Blogging"

I can’t say I’m entirely thrilled The Social Network swallowed every major Golden Globe it was up for, without spitting so much as a party favor out for Christopher Nolan’s Inception, but it was a pretty great movie. Or maybe I’m just dreaming, let me go spin my top...

Aaron Sorkin’s script was smart, clean, quick, everything good dialogue should be. Of course, he took some creative liberty, but who cares? So Zuckerberg wasn’t really anti-social, didn’t start Facebook over an ex-girlfriend, and in fact spent most of his time at Harvard programming and eating pizza.  What a sweet flick that’d have been. Lay off my boy Sorkin, people probably wouldn’t be ultimate fighting for tickets to a movie about Mick Jagger’s years at the London School of Economics either...(true story)

Justin Timberlake, ohhh Justin...I suddenly feel validated for my N*Sync years. Like it or not, that guy is a true triple threat. Not to mention he’s one of those celebrities you can look at and dub a sweetheart though you never have or never will actually meet him. So here is a virtual wedgie to anyone and everyone criticizing his performance as Napster creator Sean Parker. It was a job well done. And that’s not just because Justin Timberlake is a beautiful piece of meat...I’m sorry, the tween in me escaped for a moment, back in the cupboard with you! Jesse Eisenberg and Andrew Garfield were also noteworthy, though I’m pretty sure Eisenberg and Michael Cera once shared a uterus...

The movie was a sandwich of  “lack of credit attributed to young people, as brilliant as they may be, with a side of  “even youth genius is solely preoccupied with what is cool” And it was delicious. I have no complaints. (Save for one snide about Jewish woman, because you sons of Abraham are always a sheer DELIGHT) And any movie ending with a Beatles tune has got me. So while it may or not be the "film that defines a generation" it is a must-see, enjoy.

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